
Aug 19 2022 - V5.4

Summary of what's new.

New white triangular heading bug showing the device's magnetic orientation.

Please be aware that the sensors in the device are not calibrated and only approximate your actual heading. Also, the device needs to be mounted squarely with the aircraft's longitudinal axis.

Track bug changed to a magenta arrow.

This change brings the display into line with a typical HSI display. The arrow is magenta to signify the track is a GPS track.

Third map orientation mode Heading Up.

This a great alternative to true north up if you're not in the plane. However, it is not recommended for flying because the heading is only approximate, see above.

Sign Out button.

You can now sign out if you wish. You can still use the app anonymously and continue to access premium features if you have a subscription.

Delete User button to remove all stored information.

This was a requirement from Apple. It really does delete everything but it won't stop you using the app or any premium features if you have a subscription.

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