
Sep 14 2020 - V4.3

Summary of what's new.
  • Global METARS – see nearest METAR on the status view
  • This makes the pressure altitude calculation more reliable
  • EFB interface now uses GDL90 exclusively

On the status view you can now see the METAR for the nearest airport that has one.

Please note that METARs are only updated hourly and as such may not be the latest for the given airport. The information is provided for reference only and must not be used for making operational decisions.

The app is now using the QNH to convert between GNSS and pressure altitude internally.

The pressure altitude is now displayed as a flight level (Fnnn).

The EFB interface for sending traffic now uses the GDL90 protocol exclusively. The old dump1090 protocol is no longer available.

This means that the EFB configuration steps defined for previous releases is no longer necessary.

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