
May 13 2020 - V4.0

Summary of what's new.
  • Redesigned traffic monitor now calculates alerts for traffic based on closing speed and time rather than distance
  • Spoken traffic alerts available when the device is connected to your audio system or headset
  • History view shows key details of the last five flights
  • Traffic view toolbar button changes - "Not Sharing" (NS!) becomes "Standby" (SBY)
  • Optional description for my aircraft

The traffic monitor in V3.4 and earlier creates traffic alerts based on distance alone.

Now, based of the aircraft's speed and track, it becomes a high alert when the closing time is less than a minute instead of a distance of two miles. If it is tracking away, no alert is raised even if it is close by.

If you have connected audio, the alert is spoken using a speech synthesizer instead of just a tone.

The spoken alert takes the form -

"Traffic - [distance in miles] [clock bearing] high/level/low"

The new history view shows the departure and destination points and times and the distance travelled.

The old aircraft selection button has been split into two, one to select the current aircraft being flown and a second button to select the mode - Active or Standby. This makes operating the app more like operating your transponder.

The Start/Stop button has been removed and both the Filter and Orientation buttons are now on the left.

Lastly, you can add a description to your aircraft. For example if you fly an AP22, you can set the description to "Aeroprakt Foxbat" which should be more meaningful to other users.

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