AvTraffic Help
Getting Started
On opening the app you should see nearby traffic.
The traffic mix comprises other AvTraffic users, ADS-B traffic and glider traffic.
If you are planning to fly, add the details of your aircraft as follows -
- on the My Aircraft view, tap + in the top right hand corner
- on the New Aircraft form, enter details of the aircraft you will be flying
(see "My Aircraft Details" below)
- tap Save
That's it, you're ready to go. If you fly other aircraft, repeat the steps above.
If you're not planning to fly, you can add your aircraft details later. The mode button (see below) shows SBY (Standby). Once you have added your aircraft details, a separate button to its left will show the selected aircraft's callsign.
To edit or delete aircraft from the My Aircraft view, just tap or swipe left.
To integrate AvTraffic into your EFB app, see EFB Integration below.
Run Modes
The app runs in one of two modes, standby (SBY) or active (ACT) as shown on the mode button on the toolbar.
Standby Mode
When in standby (SBY) mode, nothing is shared with other users and all activity ceases when you close the app.
Use standby (SBY) mode when you're not flying, say when simply checking to see who is flying.
Active Mode
When in active (ACT) mode, the app will share the callsign, type and position of the selected aircraft with other users. It will continue to do this in the background when you close it.
If you switch the device off, battery power is reduced but the app will continue running in the background and other nearby users will still see you.
Sharing will continue until you select the mode back to standby (SBY).
However if you forget, it will stop by itself after a while provided that you're not flying.
Use active (ACT) mode when you are about to go flying.
My Aircraft Details
Please use the following conventions when adding details of your aircraft.
- Callsign: use the callsign that is required by your country for a Mode S transponder callsign. *
- Type: if known, enter the ICAO Type Designator, for example C172, otherwise anything meaningful. See the ICAO web site.
- Make/Model: (optional) full description of the aircraft type, for example "Piper Warrior II".
- ICAO Code: (optional) the six character ICAO airframe code in hexadecimal (0 - 9 or A - F). *
* more about callsign and ICAO code
- Generally, use the full registration, for example N999XX.
- In Australia, use the second part of the registration excluding the prefix and hyphen, for example XXX not VH-XXX or VHXXX. For RA-Aus, use R folowed by the last four digits of the registration, for example R1234.
- If you have a Mode S transponder or an EC device, make sure the callsign in AvTraffic matches the callsign in the equipment. Also, it is strongly recommended to enter the matching ICAO hex code into AvTraffic in order to avoid the possibility of 'phantom' own ship conflicts.
Going Flying
When you start up, select the aircraft you're flying and select active (ACT) mode if not already selected.
On the Traffic view, you will see nearby aircraft running AvTraffic and also ADS-B Out equipped aircraft, both graphically and as a list.
The graphical view shows a symbol according to the proximity of the aircraft and its closing speed.


- within 1000 feet vertically, less than 45 seconds closing


- within 1000 feet vertically, 45 to 90 seconds closing


- within 1000 feet vertically, more than 90 seconds closing


- more than 1000 feet vertically


- on the ground
- delta symbols represent AvTraffic, ADS-B aircraft or gliders, the extending line showing the aircraft direction and its tip the estimated position in one minute
- diamond symbols represent multilateration derived aircraft positions
- the relative altitude is shown underneath in hundreds of feet, for example +5 means 500 feet above
- an arrow appears to the right of the relative altitude if the aircraft is climbing or descending
The graphical view also has some information about you.
- in the top left corner, your altitude in hundreds of feet *, speed in knots and the current map orientation mode
- the compass card shows your magnetic track or heading depending on the mode
- the white triangle is the heading bug **
- the magenta arrow is the track bug ***
- the magenta line ahead of the aircraft symbol shows your estimated position in one minute
- the zoom control allows you to zoom in set increments from 1 to 80 nautical miles (or you can zoom finely with a pinch gesture)
- the scale represents the distance from the centre to the outer ring
- in the bottom left corner, your trip distance in nautical miles and trip time
* Altitudes may be GPS altitudes or baro altitudes according to the prefix G, A or F. Baro altitude is calculated from a pressure altitude corrected by the QNH from the nearest METAR (A) or shown as a flight level (F)
** Heading information is limited to the accuracy of the device's inbuilt sensors and how the device is mounted relative to the aircraft's longitudinal axis. You should not rely on it for navigation.
*** Track information is not reliable when stationary or moving slowly particularly when indoors. Select 'North Up' to alleviate any jumping around if this happens.
The list shows more detail.
- background colour based on proximity
- Callsign (C/S): as broadcast by the other user
- Type: as entered by the other user for AvTraffic aircraft, derived from a database for ADS-B
- Distance: in nautical miles
- Altitude: altitude in hundreds of feet
- Spd: speed in knots
- Track: GPS track in degrees magnetic
- A green bar shows that the aircraft is an AvTraffic aircraft
EFB Integration
If your EFB app supports the GDL90 protocol, it will display AvTraffic aircraft in the EFB app provided -
- you have premium access
- you're running your EFB app and AvTraffic on the same device and
- AvTraffic is in active (ACT) mode (see above) and
- 'Local Network' permission is granted to both AvTraffic and your EFB app (see Settings/Privacy/Local Network).
Note that EFB integration is disabled when in standby (SBY) mode.
Hint: on an iPad, you can swipe up from the bottom to switch between your EFB app and AvTraffic quickly. AvTraffic will continue to run in the background and send traffic data to your EFB while you're using it.
Starting AvTraffic
Auto Start
Premium users can select to start their EFB app automatically when opening Avtraffic or switching mode to active (ACT).
AvTraffic Settings
- Auto Start EFB
When switching on, AvTraffic will search for known EFB apps installed on the device. Choose the one you want to start automatically when AvTraffic is launched in Active mode or switched to Active mode.
- Traffic annunciation
Switch this on if you have your device's audio output connected to your headset or audio panel.
- Internet annunciation
Switch this on to receive an annunciation when internet connectivity is lost or restored.
- Direction
Avtraffic version 6.0 and later.
Allows you to control how conflicts are announced. Choose one of the following three options.
Announcements will be in clock points, for example "3 o'clock".
Clock is recommended for most users and is the default.
Announcements will be in compass points, for example "north west".
Announcements will be in clock points when tracking straight and compass points when turning or orbiting.
Auto is recommended for glider pilots.
- Audio Delay
Some Bluetooth devices don't start playing immediately resulting in the first part of the annunciation being cut off.
Use this setting to add a delay to the start of each annunciation so you don't miss anything. Use the Test function and set the lowest value that allows you to hear the entire test announcement "Testing Testing". For most devices, this should be zero.
The maximum delay is 5 representing about 2 seconds.
- Voice
Selects the accent and gender of the voice.
Tap the Test button to hear what they sound like.
- GDL90 Device
Switch this on only if you are using a GDL90 compatible ADS-B receiver device. It adds a small overhead and should be switched off if not needed.
Please refer to the special considerations regarding GDL90 devices help page.
- Send GPS (SkyDemon only)
Switch this on only if you use SkyDemon. It may have unintended side effects and adds an unnecessary overhead when used with EFBs other that SkyDemon.
ADS-B feed courtesy of ADS-B Exchange.
Glider feed courtesy of the Open Glider Network.
You are encouraged to visit these websites and consider hosting a feeder if coverage is limited in your area.
Weather data courtesy of NOAA Aviation Weather Centre.
Elevation data courtesy of US Geological Survey using the 30 arc second global SRTM dataset.